bought Nipton for $5 million to develop a cannabis consumption destination, then sold it to its new subsidiary, CannAwake. In 2017, cannabis technology company American Green, Inc. Originally called Nippeno Camp, the railroad town was founded in 1905 and was renamed five years later. Priced at $3,125,000, the 80 acres includes the Nipton Trading Post, a restaurant and bar, a five-room hotel, a general store, a trailer park, a schoolhouse and more. Still, the town of Nipton, in California’s San Bernardino County, an hour away from Las Vegas, only has about 25 residents and is currently up for sale. You might not call it an actual ghost town because it does have inhabitants. 7 Ghost Towns For Sale Right Now Nipton, California You may be surprised by the many options available. If you have ever dreamed of being the proprietor of an entire village, renovating a previously thriving Old West locale to its former glory or perhaps turning an abandoned community into the coolest Airbnb ever, you might want to check out some current ghost towns for sale.

But no matter the cause, you can find some of these ghost towns for sale. Others were wiped out by disease or the elements, prompting remaining residents to pack up and move elsewhere. Some were mining or railroad towns that stopped serving a purpose when the mines were no longer profitable and other forms of transportation became available. Many once-bustling towns have sat deserted and deteriorating for decades, creating thousands of ghost towns across the U.S.